The Way International
Located in New Knoxville Ohio, The Way appears to be very active today with Splinters rising over the years. Christian Family Fellowship , Ryburn Christian Clarion, Christian Research and Fellowship, along with a whole lot more. The group had suffered a huge decline in attendance when the founder Victor Paul Wierwille passed away. The Kissing Ministry began when L. Craig Martindale took Victor Pauls position as President.
Suffering massive lawsuits over allegations being made towards
L. Craig Martindale, the group takes massive losses in courts and fellowship attendance. However, it appears in recent years through social media; the sect has to be making a comeback. The Way Magazine has pushed the group ahead.
Basic Theology
Christ is Not God
The Word does not say he is God, men do through traditions.

No Hell
Bible says; the dead do not know anything, Christ Jesus will raise up those who sleep.

Tongs are divine
God is real; because we speak in tongues and that proves it.

No Water Baptism
You never see it carried out in the epistles, it was a short dispensation.

Incarnation Christology is rejected while protestant canon is accepted, that is hard to overlook no matter what position you take, or no position. No positioners have no theological perspective to input and they will be quick to agree; the book of Hebrews and Johns gospel bring forth an Incarnation Christology.
In Dr. Victor Paul Wierwilles book titled Jesus Christ is not God 1975 we are told to go to Hebrews 1:2. Victor Paul tells us to look at the word "by," translated to be saying Christ Jesus is co-creator.
Hebrews 1-2King James Version (KJV)
"Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by [dia] whom also he made the worlds;"
Dr. Wirwille says; a bad translation, trinity influenced rendering. The English word "by" is rendered from the Greek word "dia" and should read "for" meaning; the aim of purpose. Because "dia" being in another case; the accusative, not in the genitive as Trinitarians have it. When in the Accusative case it can be translated "for" so the verse should read...
"Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, for [dia] whom also he made the worlds"
The unknown author of Hebrews appears to have the same prologue criteria as Johns Christology, having synoptic agreements. Examining the Greek words and composure; the genitive would be correct "instrument of means," cause of action" this author presents Christ as divine in nature and therefore placed the Greek word "dia" into the genitive case "the instrument of means."
Victor Paul Wierwille pulled the figurative button in his books when it comes to his perspective of Jesus in Colossians; because we see the word "for" and "by" both used in the very same verse, in the same context as well.
Colossians 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Now apply the Way Prospective; Doctor Wirwille taught us how to rightly divide this Greek word "dia," using his own grammar points and contextual study theory, we get nothing but utter confusion.
Moving ahead of the class, beyond Victors Power for Abundant Living, and into his Advanced Class we are told in order to get the rightly divided word we must look at the context. Looking at the Context of Johns gospel, Hebrews, and now Colossians we see all contexts are all in agreement, the deity of Christ. It should be farther noted; Christians way before the council in 325 thought Jesus was God [more here]
Either side of this argument can have theological conflicting issues, Trinitarian concept or The Way International and their Unitarian perspective.