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   Christian Family Fellowship-- Christian group that is often stated as 'non-Christian Cult' by

Orthodoxy. CFF is an offshoot of The Way International- a splinter group. Every since DR Victor Paul passed and Craig Martindale got sexual, the group never has recovered and Splinters began to rise over the years.  Founder- John Shroyer.


   Splinters in the community--  Out to dinners and fellowships with loving homes, treating you with respect, hearing what you have to say; splinters have the upper edge of fellowshipping.  Orthodoxy is all about the program, Church; lacking fellowship in their daily life with other Christians, mainly getting a fellowship at Church, hardly ever at home, appears fake. 

  CFF non-Christian Cult?  the honest answer would be; yes, defining under Orthodoxy views. Define that term under historical research; the answer is no, of course not. Christianities existed before any canon, any gospel, Christians had different views; who was this person Jesus.  Ebionites did not accept the deity of Christ at all, Jesus was 100% man, see  "gospel of the Ebionites."  


  Marcion was Docetic-- Proto orthodox; created the very first rule of texts, had a very large following, Marcionism with various leaders was established before the orthodox canon.  Marcion canon rejects the gospel of John and pastoral letters, splinters should take this as; "seriously forced" to do as Marcion did.  

  Heretic writings of the first Century--  Orthodoxy criticises Splinters over the deity of Christ, and say the group is not Christian because of the gospel of John; looking back at the canon and history, the canon has entire forged letters--  by the law of Logic, orthodoxy has no right. We could use noncanonical texts and say; orthodox are non-Christian Cult because they do accept the deity of Christ through their choice of resources.  


  Splinter Greek and rejection of the deity--  comes from DR Victor Paul Wierwille in his book; "Jesus Christ is not God," along with other books Victor wrote. The book JCING attempted to convert Johns words into a world of illusions; knowing a little Greek will reveal this to you.  Splinters read this when looking at any bible, they fill in the blanks.  


   John 1:1,2 
Jesus Christ is not God 1975---
  "In the beginning was the Word God, and the [revealed] Word was with [pros] God [with Him in His foreknowledge, yet independent of Him], and the Word was God. The same [revealed Word] was in the beginning with [pros] God…. All things were made by him God, and without him God was not anything made that was made"


KJV;  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God."


Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. 2οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν.


  JOHN 1:1a. Greek- Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος

Transliteration- 'en arche een ho logos'


  Spiros Paraphrase-- "Before there was any beginning,  the Word had been" Complete Word Study, page 305. Spiros pointed out the word 'een' is durative from 'eimi' and in the imperfect tense (continuing or repeated event or state), "een" appears all through this context. We do not have this tense in English; so a paraphrase is critical to convey the true meaning of this word. Spiros stated; 'een' is an eternal verb. Spiros authored the book "Christ is God," 1967; Dr.VP Wierwille followed up with his book in 1975, "Jesus Christ is not God." Let us look at Dr.Spiros Paraphrase and Dr.Victor Paul Wierwille Literal Translation and compare the two teachers.

  Wierwille Literal Translation-- 
"In the beginning was the Word God,"  JCNG adds the word; God.


   JOHN 1:1b

Greek; "καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν".

Transliteration;  "kaì ho Lógos ēn pròs tòn Theón".

Spiros;  "and the word has been toward thee God".


  Thee God; threaded all in the Bible pointing to "Thee God of Abraham.."  Skilled in Greek composition, theology, and grammar, guarding every word this author was a mastermind of their time. Presenting Christ as the eternal Logos and not Thee God, but yet still deity. The author is attempting to convince people who knew "logos" and" theos," addressing unbelievers, trying to convert people to Christianity. 


  Wierwille Literal Translation-- "and the [revealed] Word was with [pros] God'.  [with Him in His foreknowledge, yet independent of Him],"   Victor was careful to insert "revealed" inside of brackets, it is meaningless--  because VP placed the word into the follower's mind. There is more to Greek than just knowing a few words,  grammar and composition are VITAL!!!

   VP forgot the Art. before the word God--  maybe VP did not know how vital that DEF ART is? Any person that knows Greek can read what this author is saying, and he is not saying "a revealed word"  He is saying "Thee Eternal Logos"  look at "een" carefully controlling the eternity of Logos.  John was a master of theology,  he also knew not to use the word in the plural "logoi."


   Does John state in his foreknowledge--  Marcion would have eaten this up in his docetic thinking and included it into his canon if so,  John does not state what Victor Paul does; adding the word proginṓsko [forknowlege] into the context, VP sure sounds fancy with Greek word "copy and paste theology." 

   Victor Pauls; "independent of"   taking us to Philippians 2:6, supplying the Greek word "Isos," giving the reader an English definition for the derivative, also placing the Greek word into the wrong case, carefully carrying the reader away from critical Greek grammar. We have seen that Pros means "eternal motion" in this context. 

   Een governing the word pros--  Look at the eternal verb "een," showing us eternal motion "pros." Logos is eternal and Logos was not revealed before the beginning. The Logos was revealed in PERSON [hutos], and the Logos has always been [een] face-to-face toward Thee God.  

   JOHN 1:1c  

Greek; "καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος." 
Victor; "and the Word was God
Spiros;  "and God had been the Word


  Wierwille flips Theos and Logos--  reading to much of James Stewart. can cause this, notice; that word "een" again. Spiros was careful to place the tenses in English according to each section. Knowing the word "hutos" and the flip-flop in section C exposes this Wierwille trick. Vp carefully points the follower to trace the pronoun "he"  back to the noun "God" through the English, avoiding the Greek!  This along with other word tricks removes eternal Logos from the creator. Nice trick but no Cigar, forbidden by way of the Greek grammar in the authors' skills.


  John 1:2.
Greek "Οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν."
Transliteration; "hutos een en arche pros ton theon"
Spiros; "This Person has always been in beginning toward Thee God." 
Wierwille; "The same [revealed Word] was in the beginning with [pros] God"

  1:1C,2A; "καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος Οὗτος..."--  "ὁ λόγος Οὗτος"  is what the text reads, not "τὸν θεόν Οὗτος.Look at that again; "The Logos this person,"  Wierwille is saying "God he," VP did not know how vital that article is, let alone how to read the text, let us read the thing "and God has always been the Logos person..."  With no chapters and verses in the Greek, breaking the flow of context is not going to work.

Wierwille Literal Translation; "The same [revealed Word] was in the beginning with [pros] God"

   Move over Marcion VP is in town, woo woo-- stir clear of this authors theology and Greek composition, the narrator of Johns gospel was a bad boy in his time, Logos personified is taught, and Marcion was docetic. Gnosticism taught Logos was on the same par with wisdom and Sophia. Wierwille teaches; "a created Logos" created to reveal" Victor had no idea who the Logos was in the ancient world. Jewish Philo taught Logos as a divine being; demiurge. Johns theology slaps every Splinter and Jehovah's Witness right in the face attempting to strip the eternal Logos in this gospel. 

   Lost the ole ways--  has-beens, tossed in the towel, don't see any new information coming from this place,  probably religious.  We did not pull that out of our hat-- some Splinters think CFF is not standing on the accuracy of the Word and caving into the society!  Scared to be marked as a cult, bending the rightly divided God-breathed word. Never standing up for who Christ Jesus really was.

   Christian Family Fellowship has no honest scholarship-- lacking in Greek grammar, slacking in historical research and defining GK with English definitions to push their theology. Splinters are guilty of what they accuse Orthodoxy of- wrongly dividing the word, not knowing the GK. Spoon Fed from King Victor.  



We have chosen to use Spiros because Victor Paul appears to take him on,  and so, it would only be fitting.  

The late Rev John Hendricks quote "makes me sick,  I want to throw-up somewhere"   Adamant in Believing.   

From the narrators-  we will look at this page for any mistakes, refresh, revise, adding content and links.  We want to point out another perspective, the study and learning process for all involved is educational.   

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